Help elderly and low-income neighbors in need of home repairs that are health- and safety-related
St. Johns Housing Partnership (SJHP) was created with the mission of reducing sub-standard housing for low-income homeowners. For over 20 years, SJHP has worked on creating public and private partnerships to help improve housing conditions for low-income homeowners in St Johns County. One such partnership is with the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) through the Florida Housing Finance Corporation which is administered by the St. Johns County Health and Human Services. Through this program, income-qualified homeowners can receive up to $40,000.00 in home repairs.

Mr. Brown, a former St. Johns County Road & Bridge employee for 15 years, was involved in an auto accident that left him with brain and back injuries. Although he recovered, his injuries were such that he could only work sporadically, and he eventually went on disability. He became caretaker to his ill mother and when she died the house which has been in the family for generations (his great-great grandparents built it!) was passed on to him. With his health and lack of adequate income to make improvements, the house continued to deteriorate around him.
He initially contacted SJHP for help as he had not had running water for over two years. Little did we know what our initial inspection would uncover! Who knew from the front view just how much work he truly needed to remain safely in his home? The back porch, not visible from the street, was in total disrepair. The interior, not much better. SJHP was able to qualify Mr. Brown for both SHIP and Weatherization. Donations from St. Vincent de Paul helped with furniture and interior home goods.
Mr. Brown “really appreciates our work and is grateful for the help he received”. He’d been using the shower at his son’s house and was finally able to shower in his own home in over two years! He and his son will be painting the interior and exterior over the next few weeks…stay tuned for pictures of the final product!

Ms. B was fortunate to be able to qualify for the SHIP program. There are many others in our community who do NOT qualify. You can help your neighbors by making a donation in any amount. Your gift will help provide safe, decent and affordable housing in our community for those less fortunate.